We believe that the Word of God can guide us through this life. The Bible is the inspired Word of God that becomes a lamp unto our feet. With His help, we can reach our destination.
In order to navigate through the day-to-day, we will need to be equipped to do so. In studying and applying His Word, we become disciples. Spiritual maturity develops and we are ready for every twist and turn on this road of life.
We can do anything together. This is a unique atmosphere that arises with the gathering of people in like-minded faith. Come and unite with us, there is room here for you!
God’s word is infallible and divinely-inspired.
Go and preach the Gospel and strive to live with compassion, love, and mercy.
God created Heaven and Earth. He was the Word in the beginning, that became flesh and dwelt among us, and gave us His Spirit to live within us.
We are given remission of sin through Baptism in the Name of Jesus. Through Baptism we can identify with the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus.
Evidenced by speaking in other tongues.
God can minister to the Believers through Spiritual Gifts. Tongues, interpretation of tongues, prophesy, words of knowledge and wisdom, discerning of spirits, faith, working of miracles, healing, helps, and government.
Jesus is coming again! The righteous will inherit the Kingdom of God and eternal life. The unrighteous will experience eternal death.